Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cover Music Video! (100 Points.)

We picked this song because it fit our lives perfectly. It was really fun to run around campus and film. Singing the song was very hard, but it was worth the extra points!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sound Library Project.

I recorded all these sounds in Boyd Hall, the residence hall. I chose this area because I wanted to get the sounds a typical college student experiences. I got a few sounds of students talking, walking to their rooms, and even typing on their computers. All of which are a part of the daily life of a student here at OU. Along with the typical sounds, I got some sounds that were common to my floor in general. I recorded my RA, Andrew, playing one of his favorite instruments which is a common sound heard throughout the hallways. I think every sound relates to any student here, and also relates to me. That's what is most important about this project.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Inspired Fiction - Ex BFFS

I think most people don’t realize the effects of the words they say. When one speaks, words sometimes shoot like fire. Blaze after blaze, a cannonball of emotions all put together in a small word or statement. That’s where the destruction occurs. Some fires are way too large to put out. Some fires engulf a once sturdy foundation in flames, and that’s what happened in this situation. Instead of fire, my best friend’s words shot me, and destroyed, a once believed unbreakable bond.
            If someone where to tell me, “This friendship is a waste of time. You’re going to be left lonely again,” I would have stood up and knocked them out. For once in my life, I made a friend who was an outcast like me. Nicole was someone I could share my deepest secrets with. I had someone who was hurting about the pains in their life as much as I was and in that way, we could help heal one another. I thought she would stick by my side no matter what. No bullies, family problems, or boys would abolish our friendship; we were practically sisters. That is, until Tyler came in.
            Tyler was they new boy at Four Corner Church’s youth group. He had bleached out hair, which he spiked high on his head. She fell for him instantly, and he became my closest guy friend. Or so I thought. We hung out together practically 24/7 and I never felt like a third wheel, but as their relationship got stronger, I became worthless to both of them. When they spoke of how no one else mattered but each other, they literally meant it. Every day was the same, “I can’t hang…I’m meeting up with Tyler.”
            Soon enough, I got tired of the loneliness and I messaged Nicole expressing how I felt about her blowing off our plans constantly. She stated an apology and things were mended, for a short while. It wasn’t long before Tyler got tired of me being around; he constantly persuaded Nicole to chose him over me. He told her I was tearing their relationship apart. It was then I realized how manipulative and abusive their relationship had become. Tyler constantly tried to put me down, calling me names and telling me I had zero worth. Although, when I tried to share these low words to Nicole he would deny every letter. At this point, I had let go. I gave the couple their space, because I was tired of getting hurt and ignored.
            I was still a friend to Nicole, whenever she needed it. I kept true to my promise of always being there for her. Unfortunately, she could not do the same. It was the summer of 2011 when I logged onto Facebook and the crumbling remains of our friendship had finally disintegrated into dust. All over my timeline, were statements mocking me, from both Nicole and Tyler, and a few of their other friends as well. I was fed up, and immaturely made some rude comments back. That summer, I lost my best friend. Although, it turned out to be the greatest thing for me: I didn’t need people with degrading personalities in my life. Even better? Tyler dumped her in the following month.